Parthenon Marbles Colloquy Sydney 2013 November 15-17
"Created over 2000 years ago, by the same people that introduced the concept of Democracy to humanity, the Parthenon immediately became an icon of global citizenship. Its influence continues in modern times as we see attempts to replicate its stature in famous buildings around the world. The temple of Athena has become a symbol of Eternal Perfection arising out of the marriage of Aesthetics and Science."There will be open discussions with online participation on facebook and twitter click here
The Colloquy Workshops
The Workshops on the four main themes of the Colloquy will be open to the global community via Facebook and Twitter using the special hashtags (#) and the timetable as per table below.
The participants in the auditorium where the discussion is taking place will be able to see on the big screens the Social Media activity. The moderators will also be updating the online discussion with key points as discussed in the auditorium.
To register on Facebook:
Like our Page ( When the Workshops start you will be able to comment by using the # of the Workshop.
To register on Twitter:
Follow us (@MarblesReunite) and send us a direct message with "Register #{wokshop}". You can register for multiple workshops.
E.g. write to us "Register #ECOSYD13 #ACTSYD13" to register for the ECONOMY and ACTIVISM workshops.
Sydney (AUS) Athens (GRE) London (UK) Miami (USA)
#EDUSYD13 16/11 | 3:30pm - 5:30pm 16/11 | 6:30am - 8:30am 16/11 | 4:30am - 6:30am 15/11 | 11:30pm - 16/11 | 1:30a
#LITSYD13 17/11 | 11:00am - 12:30pm 17/11 | 2:00am - 3:30am 17/11 | 12:00am - 1:30am 16/11 | 7:00pm - 8:30pm
#ACTSYD13 17/11 | 1:30pm - 2:45pm 17/11 | 4:30am - 5:45am 17/11 | 2:30am - 3:45am 16/11 | 9:30pm - 10:45pm
#ECOSYD13 17/11 | 2:45pm - 4:00pm 17/11 | 5:45am - 7:00am 17/11 | 3:45am - 5:00am 16/11 | 10:45pm - 12:00am
The Colloquy Program:
Follow us (@MarblesReunite) and send us a direct message with "Register #{wokshop}". You can register for multiple workshops.
E.g. write to us "Register #ECOSYD13 #ACTSYD13" to register for the ECONOMY and ACTIVISM workshops.
#EDUSYD13 16/11 | 3:30pm - 5:30pm 16/11 | 6:30am - 8:30am 16/11 | 4:30am - 6:30am 15/11 | 11:30pm - 16/11 | 1:30a
#LITSYD13 17/11 | 11:00am - 12:30pm 17/11 | 2:00am - 3:30am 17/11 | 12:00am - 1:30am 16/11 | 7:00pm - 8:30pm
#ACTSYD13 17/11 | 1:30pm - 2:45pm 17/11 | 4:30am - 5:45am 17/11 | 2:30am - 3:45am 16/11 | 9:30pm - 10:45pm
#ECOSYD13 17/11 | 2:45pm - 4:00pm 17/11 | 5:45am - 7:00am 17/11 | 3:45am - 5:00am 16/11 | 10:45pm - 12:00am
The Colloquy Program:
Opening Function Nicholson Museum. 6:00pm (Details TBC)
The event will be opened by
The Hon Barry O'Farrell MP
Premier of New South Wales
Welcome message by Emanuel J. Comino AM, Founder and Chairman IOC-A-RPM
Welcome message by Mr Charalampos Dafaranos, Ambassador of Greece in Canberra. Representing the Minister of Culture and Sport of Greece, Mr Panos Panagiotopoulos.
Event Overview by Dennis Tritaris, Colloquy Coordinator on behalf of the Organising Committee
Opening of the Event by the Premier of NSW, The Hon Barry O’Farrell MP.
8:30am - 9am Registrations
Day 2 | Welcoming Addresses | 9:00am – 9:15am
His Excellency the Greek Ambassador to Australia Mr Haralambos Dafaranos
His Excellency the Cypriot High Commissioner to Australia Mr Yannis Iacovou (TBC)
Emanuel John Comino AM, Founder and Chairman – IOC-A-RPM
Day 2 | Morning Session 1 | 9:15am – 10:30am
Dennis Tritaris. Event Coordinator (AUS) | Opening Remarks and outline of the 2 day event.
Emanuel John Comino AM, Founder and Chairman IOC-A-RPM (AUS) | No More Excuses.
Eddie O’Hara, Chairman BCRPM (UK). Topic: TBC
Michael Reppas, President and Legal Advisor, ACRPS (USA) | By Protecting the Cultural Property of Greece We Are Protecting the Cultural Property of the World.
Coffee Break: 10:30am – 11:00am
11:00am – 11:15am
Group photo of delegates.
Day 2 | Morning Session 2 | 11:30am – 12:30pm
Elena Korka (GRE) | Elgin's newly found second "Firman". Damming Evidence Sheds New Light on the History of the Removal of the Parthenon Marbles.
Anna Marangou (CYP) |The Parthenon Sculptures: Why the Truth Matters.
George Katselis, Dimitra Sorovou (GRE) | School education as a vehicle of awareness of students and society on the issue of the Parthenon marbles.
Russell Darnley, Gina Choutis (AUS) |Parthenon, Pericles and People: a Curriculum Response.
Lunch Break: 12:30pm 1:30pm
Day 2 Afternoon Session 1 | 1:30pm – 3:30pm
George Vardas (AUS) | “Fair Greece, Sad Relic”: Why International Cultural Diplomacy Will Not Achieve The Return Of The Parthenon Sculptures
Alan Smith (NZE) | Campaigning for the Sculptures. A New Approach.
Alexis Mantheakis (GRE) | The Parthenon Sculptures – Preparing for the Final Push?
Tom Kazas (AUS) | The Parthenon Sculptures: Four Issues on Restitution
Tea Break 3:30pm – 4pm
Day 2 | Afternoon Session 2 | 4pm – 4:30pm| TRIBUTES
Emanuel John Comino AM | Tribute to campaign pioneers not with us today.
Day 2 | Afternoon Session 2 | 4:30pm – 5:30pm | WORKSHOP - EDUCATION
Chair: Russell Darnley (IOC-A-RPM)
Assisted by: Stella Vaughan (IOC-A-RPM)
George Katselis, Dimitra Sorovou (GRE) | On the occasion of a children's book about the Parthenon sculptures: Cultural curriculum and the construction of a museum kit.
Rose Raikos (AUS) | Education Arts and the Parthenon Sculptures.
Open Discussion with online participation on TWITTER/FACEBOOK #EDUSYD13. More info...
Day 3 | Morning Session 1 | 9:30am – 10:30am
Nikos Chatziandreou (GRE) |
Keri Douglas (USA) | Social Media Activism.
Dennis Tritaris (AUS) | The Big Picture. Bringing all resources together
Coffee Break: 10:30am – 11:00am
Day 3 | Morning Session 2 | 11:00am – 12:30pm | WORKSHOP - LITIGATION
Chair: George Minas (IOC-A-RPM)
Assisted by: John Theodoridis (IOC-A-RPM)
Nadia Banteka (GRE) | The Parthenon Marbles Revisited – a New Strategy for Greece?
Alan Smith (NZE) | Campaigning for the Sculptures. A New Approach.
Open Discussion with online participation on TWITTER/FACEBOOK #LITISYD13. More info...
Lunch Break: 12:30pm 1:30pm
Day 3 | Afternoon Session 1 | 1:30pm – 4:00pm| WORKSHOP - ACTIVISM
Chair: Marlen Taffarello (BCRPM)
Assisted by: Dennis Tritaris (IOC-A-RPM)
Nikos Chatziandreou (GRE), Keri Douglas (USA), Paige Dansinger (USA) | "A Brief History of the Acropolis"
Open Discussion with online participation on TWITTER/FACEBOOK #ACTSYD13. More info...
Day 3 | Afternoon Session 2 | 1:30pm – 4:00pm| WORKSHOP - ECONOMY
Chair: Gina Choutis (IOC-A-RPM)
Assisted by: Dennis Tritaris (IOC-A-RPM)
Gina Choutis (AUS) | The Parthenon as a Testament to a Holistic Business Model.
Nikos Chatziandreou (GRE) | The Acropolis Sculptures: An Economic Issue.
Open Discussion with online participation on TWITTER/FACEBOOK #ECOSYD13. More info...
Tea Break 4:00pm – 4:30pm
Day 3 | Afternoon Session 2 | 4:30pm – 5:30pm
Workshop Conclusions Reports
Announcement of 2014 Colloquy Location
Closing Remarks
Opening Function Nicholson Museum. 6:00pm (Details TBC)
The event will be opened by
The Hon Barry O'Farrell MP
Premier of New South Wales
Welcome message by Emanuel J. Comino AM, Founder and Chairman IOC-A-RPM
Welcome message by Mr Charalampos Dafaranos, Ambassador of Greece in Canberra. Representing the Minister of Culture and Sport of Greece, Mr Panos Panagiotopoulos.
Event Overview by Dennis Tritaris, Colloquy Coordinator on behalf of the Organising Committee
Opening of the Event by the Premier of NSW, The Hon Barry O’Farrell MP.
8:30am - 9am Registrations
Day 2 | Welcoming Addresses | 9:00am – 9:15am
His Excellency the Greek Ambassador to Australia Mr Haralambos Dafaranos
His Excellency the Cypriot High Commissioner to Australia Mr Yannis Iacovou (TBC)
Emanuel John Comino AM, Founder and Chairman – IOC-A-RPM
Day 2 | Morning Session 1 | 9:15am – 10:30am
Dennis Tritaris. Event Coordinator (AUS) | Opening Remarks and outline of the 2 day event.
Emanuel John Comino AM, Founder and Chairman IOC-A-RPM (AUS) | No More Excuses.
Eddie O’Hara, Chairman BCRPM (UK). Topic: TBC
Michael Reppas, President and Legal Advisor, ACRPS (USA) | By Protecting the Cultural Property of Greece We Are Protecting the Cultural Property of the World.
Coffee Break: 10:30am – 11:00am
11:00am – 11:15am
Group photo of delegates.
Day 2 | Morning Session 2 | 11:30am – 12:30pm
Elena Korka (GRE) | Elgin's newly found second "Firman". Damming Evidence Sheds New Light on the History of the Removal of the Parthenon Marbles.
Anna Marangou (CYP) |The Parthenon Sculptures: Why the Truth Matters.
George Katselis, Dimitra Sorovou (GRE) | School education as a vehicle of awareness of students and society on the issue of the Parthenon marbles.
Russell Darnley, Gina Choutis (AUS) |Parthenon, Pericles and People: a Curriculum Response.
Lunch Break: 12:30pm 1:30pm
Day 2 Afternoon Session 1 | 1:30pm – 3:30pm
George Vardas (AUS) | “Fair Greece, Sad Relic”: Why International Cultural Diplomacy Will Not Achieve The Return Of The Parthenon Sculptures
Alan Smith (NZE) | Campaigning for the Sculptures. A New Approach.
Alexis Mantheakis (GRE) | The Parthenon Sculptures – Preparing for the Final Push?
Tom Kazas (AUS) | The Parthenon Sculptures: Four Issues on Restitution
Tea Break 3:30pm – 4pm
Day 2 | Afternoon Session 2 | 4pm – 4:30pm| TRIBUTES
Emanuel John Comino AM | Tribute to campaign pioneers not with us today.
Day 2 | Afternoon Session 2 | 4:30pm – 5:30pm | WORKSHOP - EDUCATION
Assisted by: Stella Vaughan (IOC-A-RPM)
George Katselis, Dimitra Sorovou (GRE) | On the occasion of a children's book about the Parthenon sculptures: Cultural curriculum and the construction of a museum kit.
Rose Raikos (AUS) | Education Arts and the Parthenon Sculptures.
Open Discussion with online participation on TWITTER/FACEBOOK #EDUSYD13. More info...
Day 3 | Morning Session 1 | 9:30am – 10:30am
Nikos Chatziandreou (GRE) |
Keri Douglas (USA) | Social Media Activism.
Dennis Tritaris (AUS) | The Big Picture. Bringing all resources together
Coffee Break: 10:30am – 11:00am
Day 3 | Morning Session 2 | 11:00am – 12:30pm | WORKSHOP - LITIGATION
Assisted by: John Theodoridis (IOC-A-RPM)
Nadia Banteka (GRE) | The Parthenon Marbles Revisited – a New Strategy for Greece?
Alan Smith (NZE) | Campaigning for the Sculptures. A New Approach.
Open Discussion with online participation on TWITTER/FACEBOOK #LITISYD13. More info...
Lunch Break: 12:30pm 1:30pm
Day 3 | Afternoon Session 1 | 1:30pm – 4:00pm| WORKSHOP - ACTIVISM
Assisted by: Dennis Tritaris (IOC-A-RPM)
Nikos Chatziandreou (GRE), Keri Douglas (USA), Paige Dansinger (USA) | "A Brief History of the Acropolis"
Open Discussion with online participation on TWITTER/FACEBOOK #ACTSYD13. More info...
Day 3 | Afternoon Session 2 | 1:30pm – 4:00pm| WORKSHOP - ECONOMY
Assisted by: Dennis Tritaris (IOC-A-RPM)
Gina Choutis (AUS) | The Parthenon as a Testament to a Holistic Business Model.
Nikos Chatziandreou (GRE) | The Acropolis Sculptures: An Economic Issue.
Open Discussion with online participation on TWITTER/FACEBOOK #ECOSYD13. More info...
Tea Break 4:00pm – 4:30pm
Day 3 | Afternoon Session 2 | 4:30pm – 5:30pm
Workshop Conclusions Reports
Announcement of 2014 Colloquy Location
Closing Remarks
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