
Παρασκευή 26 Ιουλίου 2013

'Eνα Μουσείο που δεν μπορείτε να επισκεφθείτε - A Museum that you can not visit

'Eνα Μουσείο που δεν μπορείτε να επισκεφθείτε - A Museum that you can not visit

CIA museum
Το μουσείο των μυστικών υπηρεσιών της Αμερικής δεν είναι ανοιχτό στο κοινό καθώς βρίσκεται στο ίδιο κτήριο όπου εργάζονται μυστικοί πράκτορες. Έχει περί τα 16000 εκθέματα, ενδύματα, εργαλεία, έγγραφα, εμβλήματα,όπλα αλλά και αναμνηστικά . Ανάμεσα στα εκθέματα βρίσκεται και το όπλο του Οσάμα Μπιν Λαντεν. Η ιστορία του μουσείου ξεκινά το 1972 με την πρόταση του τότε Διευθύνοντα συμβούλου της Κεντρικής Υπηρεσίας Πληροφοριών William E. Colby. Το μουσείο τελικά συγκροτείται την δεκαετία του 1980 με την παραχώρηση τμήματος του κτηρίου. Αν και η πρόσβαση είναι αδύνατη, στην σελίδα του μουσείου μπορεί κάποιος να περιηγηθεί σε τμήμα της συλλογής.
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The CIA Museumadministered by the Center for the Study of Intelligence, is the primary national archive for the collection, preservation, documentation and exhibition of intelligence artifacts, culture, and history. Because the museum is not open to the public, the CIA Museum develops public exhibitions in partnership with the Presidential Libraries and other major museums and institutions in order to promote a wider understanding of the craft of intelligence and its role in the broader American experience.
History of the Museum
In 1972, William E. Colby, then the Executive Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, suggested the creation of an Agency museum. He directed the Agency's components and its Fine Arts Commission to identify items of historical significance to create "a very selective accumulation of truly unique items."
When CIA added another building to the Headquarters campus in the 1980s, it included a space for the museum and established the office of the Curator. Since Colby's first call, Agency offices and officers have responded enthusiastically and offered a large number of artifacts, many from personal collections built up over long careers and from distant places. From its modest beginning, the CIA Museum is now the preeminent national archive for the collection, preservation, documentation and exhibition of intelligence artifacts, culture, and history.
Osama's bin Laden AK -47 Rifle
What's in the Collection?
The CIA Museum's collection includes artifacts associated with the CIA's predecessor, the Office of Strategic Services; foreign intelligence organizations; and the CIA itself. The collection includes clothing, equipment, weapons, insignia and other memorabilia that serve as tangible testimony to the Agency's history. Many of the objects the Museum holds were designed, manufactured and used specifically for intelligence operations. All artifacts displayed in the museum's exhibits have been declassified by the appropriate Agency officials. Please note that because the Museum is located on the CIA compound, it is not open to the public for tours.

click above to view CIA's Museum Online Collection

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