World Tourism Day 2013: HATTA To Launch Tourism Awareness Contest For Kids
On the occasion of World Tourism Day, celebrated on 27 September, the Hellenic Association of Travel & Tourist Agencies (HATTA) has announced that it plans to launch a nationwide contest to promote and encourage tourism awareness among the younger generation.
“World Tourism Day provides an opportunity for all of us to think and realize the important role that tourism plays in our social and economic life,” HATTA’s president, Yiorgos Telonis, said in an announcement.
The contest will be entitled “Decalogue for Tourism Awareness” and is addressed to school children. The association invites young schoolchildren to participate in the competition (either individually or in a group) with a sketch, a drawing, a photograph or a video accompanied by one or more captions that describe one or more key factors that contribute to tourism awareness.The launch date and terms of the contest will be announced through the media.
The contest will be entitled “Decalogue for Tourism Awareness” and is addressed to school children. The association invites young schoolchildren to participate in the competition (either individually or in a group) with a sketch, a drawing, a photograph or a video accompanied by one or more captions that describe one or more key factors that contribute to tourism awareness.The launch date and terms of the contest will be announced through the media.
Ο ΗΑΤΤΑ γιορτάζει φέτος την Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Τουρισμού «κλείνοντας το μάτι» στη νέα γενιά!
Με αφορμή τον σημερινό εορτασμό ο Σύνδεσμος των Εν Ελλάδι Τουριστικών και Ταξιδιωτικών Γραφείων εξαγγέλλει πανελλήνιο διαγωνισμό με τίτλο «Δεκάλογος Τουριστικής Συνείδησης», ο οποίος απευθύνεται στους νέους σχολικής ηλικίας.